Debora Nash Designs

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Update on the business relocation...

So... what a relief it is to say this,

... the Bethpage "clean out" is finally getting close to being finished... 

Still have a couple of runs for hauling, possibly, 2 building structures to here and a demolition... 

So many emotions and a flood of memories at every turn... for that past part of our life to be closing for good... 

I went through SO much at that location, when I was there by myself that I found a survival strength that I never knew I had. 

There were some very historic years while I was there; alone at times, I went through some major life-threatening events that I was never prepared for how to survive, but I did. 

Looking back, it absolutely amazes me that I did it and did it very well in some of the most questionable conditions at the time. 

It forced me to face my greatest fears that I never expected to go through in my lifetime. 

Hence, my Guardian Angel really deserves the credit... omg... LOL! 

These events and stories are even some I can show, because if you know me... I GOT IT ALL ON FILM!! LOL! 

Since getting older and becoming "Farm Grandma," I have rethought my adventures from always "being there in the action with a camera" to putting those similar events in my new jewelry and Turquoise design lines... in some ways. 

It's the only "safe" way I need to operate anymore... LOL! 

After leaving Bethpage, I told Joe the other day, "We have an amazing and very colorful life story, and there has never been a dull moment..." I look back at all the photos and videos and think, "My God, how did I ever do this...?" 

So, leaving Bethpage is like the door is closing on a most spectacular, sometimes very dangerous, and yet colorful adventure that I never dreamed I would ever capture on film or go through in my lifetime. 

Now, we are in an even more "spectacular story" location, that is so much more active with safer events... still have some very close calls that I got on film here, but in the long run, much safer here. I may have to rethink my words on some, but it is much more colorful here for the variety of things... so long as I am not chasing tornadoes and lightning with my camera... 

Below are just a few "sneak peeks" of some historic dies that I have found from centuries past that tell these stories of yester-year and today combined... different aspects of things that I have gotten on camera, where we are now. 

I cannot wait to get back to work in the shop once Bethpage is finally done... 

It has been too long this past 3 1/2 years of everything being put on hold for one reason or another... 

A new door and new adventure are finally in sight at the end of this long, dark tunnel that I have been stuck in... (getting rid of the U.S. trademark office was the biggest part of that dark tunnel.)... (plus, our current ignorant government is the other one...). Trying to stay positive... 

New things are on the way, and there is, finally, a new light at the end of the dark tunnel that I have been struggling SO hard to get out of and away from... 

Having "hope" is never really noticed until you lose it... and it becomes so special when you start to get it back again...