Debora Nash Designs

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We have Godzilla’s

(A post from Debora’s Facebook)

Just confirmed that we have 2 Godzilla's in the water in front of our house...

They were either fighting or mating, but they really caused a huge rukus in the water...

Joe told me to shoot them and I did... with my Nikon and long lens... LOL!

I told him I can't do it with my other long "thing" because my magazine is cracked on the one that has the scope which I can handle, very well... LOL!

I earned the nickname, "Eagle Eye Nash" for very good reason... I do not miss... LOL!

One day, Joe took off one of my "focuses" that I got and showed it to an older farmer that used to come out here to visit before he passed away and he saw what I did and told Joe,

"Son, don't ever make that woman mad..." LOL!

Man, I could write a book on stories out here and pictures and video to show it. LOL!

I love living out in the woods...

Check out those Godzilla Claws in the pics... those paws or whatever they are called are every bit of 4 inches across. Spotted the head on the biggest one and it was almost as wide and round as 1 1/2 of my fists... Evil looking monster.

Reminded me of those Monster Gator Turtles in the Swamps in Louisiana.

Nope... I will never swim in this water...

Godzilla's fighting or mating.