
Fine Art Prints, Fabrics, Totes and more

Fine Art Prints, Fabrics, Totes and more

In order to keep costs down and give more choices, I have set up a Direct Purchase site with my supplier for direct purchases and shipping from the factory.This will give better rates and more choices in designs, colors and items.DEBORA NASH - Official Website (…
Anxious for Spring

Anxious for Spring

The pond/lake is officially frozen this morning, all over. It takes some drastically cold temps to freeze that much water in only a week.  These shots are shots I have taken each day since going from 60 to 2 degrees, the 2 degrees is predicted for tonight. It was 5 degrees this morning... That bimbo in the blue dress is really trying hard, this year. Also saw 3 White tail…
Sudden movements...

Sudden movements...

I took some time, yesterday, to stop and stand at the window shooting again.I was shooting the Canon system alongside my Nikon, and I can honestly say that the two systems are SO different, that I feel a little handicapped with the Canon and over-trained with the Nikon... LOL!! It's driving me nuts... I MUST conquer the Canon... Anyway, these are 2 shots that I worked on today…
Knights Templar very special designs available soon

Knights Templar very special designs available soon

Some really great and new to us items will be available soon at Debora Nash Designs as soon as the special steel dies are delivered.We were very lucky to have come across some very unique steel dies that were created back in the late 1800's to early and mid 1900's that made for some very special Knights Templar designs from those eras of long ago.The sword scabbard is a design that tells the story…
Update on the business relocation...

Update on the business relocation...

So... what a relief it is to say this, ... the Bethpage "clean out" is finally getting close to being finished... Still have a couple of runs for hauling, possibly, 2 building structures to here and a demolition... So many emotions and a flood of memories at every turn... for that past part of our life to be closing for good... I went through SO much at that location, when I was th…
The Great Battle... Who is gonna win?

The Great Battle... Who is gonna win?

Well, this is a short, condensed video of close to 500 still shots and a full day of shooting photos of a wild Bald Eagle, 2 Bald Eagle Babies that are now 3 months old and stand about 2 feet tall or taller... a King Heron, that I call "Big Bird" and who looks like a flying Teradactyl.Big Bird was catching Blue Gill Fish, and the Bald Eagle did NOT like that Big Bird was getting the fish, so the E…