
Update on the business relocation...

Update on the business relocation...

So... what a relief it is to say this, ... the Bethpage "clean out" is finally getting close to being finished... Still have a couple of runs for hauling, possibly, 2 building structures to here and a demolition... So many emotions and a flood of memories at every turn... for that past part of our life to be closing for good... I went through SO much at that location, when I was th…
My "Meteor Storm" on my back porch... This is real...

My "Meteor Storm" on my back porch... This is real...

My son and I were told there would be a meteor shower one night, back around the late 90's to early 2000's, but I do not remember the date because it was before I ever had digital camera equipment.We were out at 2 a.m. on our back porch shooting my 35mm camera of the meteor shower and I had my camera set to "Bulb" mode which holds the shutter open for the times you want really long exposures.I was…