“Menopause Brain Fog”

Is it real or just a ladies imagination?

Just to prove how MUCH going through "menopause brain fog" is a very REAL thing for ladies...

Yesterday, was one of those very days.

I had posted before about being "Boggled down in the brain", meaning serious brain fog...

Well, I filled my Hummingbird feeders, yesterday, to appease the Lil' Vacuums with no end to their sugar addictions... I have near 400 of the lil' sugar addicts now...

So I mix sugar water by the multiple gallons each day to keep them from drilling holes in the windows to tell me the feeders are empty.

After I filled yesterday, I kept seeing them come to the windows to tell me something is wrong after filling. I just went on with my day, not paying attention.

Well, this morning, I looked out to see the lil' bugs swarming only a couple of feeders that I did not fill yesterday, as they still had sugar water in them.

The fresh filled feeders were sitting full and untouched.

I watched them this morning, going to the full feeders, light for just half a second and move to another feeder.

Then, while I was in the kitchen making coffee, I picked up my White Vinegar jug sitting on the island to put it back into the pantry after I had used it to wash salad fixings a couple of nights ago. I was wondering WHY my vinegar jug was empty, when I knew I only used half a jug to make the salad wash with...

Then I thought the vinegar must have leaked out, while looking to find a spill.. nothing.

Then I thought, "Joe wouldn't touch the vinegar, but he did question me on the Pedialyte bottle, yesterday, that was sitting in the sink and I had a new one in the fridge, after I had used the last of the old one a week ago." That got me to questioning myself... also.

So, I went out this morning to pull one of the full feeders to check why they aren't being touched... surely, I did not grab the wrong jug when mixing the sugar water I just filled with...

Opened the feeder, took a good sniff because I don't have a working sense of smell, but I can sense just a little, upclose...

Lo and behold, the nose burn of sniffing VINEGAR burned my nose in that Hummingbird feeder...

AGH!!! I filled the Hummingbird feeders with a HALF A GALLON of White Vinegar and Sugar water, yesterday... omg...

You talk about some pissed off Hummers when I went out just now to pull and wash those feeders after putting out some new ones...


So, to anyone who asks if "Menopause Brain Fog" is a real thing... the answer is a HUGE YES!!! It is very real...

Oh, how I am begging my Hummingbirds to forgive me...

This was worse than Loretta Lynn mistaking the salt for sugar in that pie contest when she was trying to impress her future husband, Dolittle Lynn... LMAO!!!

So, yes, I am living proof that "Menopause Brain Fog" in women is absolutely real and MUST be handled with extreme care and double-triple checking... LMAO!!!

Unbelievable... LOL! Now, to go plead with my Hummers for forgiveness... LOL! ugh...


This is what happens when you give Hummingbirds Vinegar in their feeders…


Almost a very bad day…


We have Godzilla’s