Almost a very bad day…

The moment you find the “Spawn of Satan” right next to you…

Another day of “Wasp Tales”…

Last week, my mother came up from Central Texas to visit and see her grand youngin’s. Mom will be 80 next June, and is actually very busy with being a newly published author and writer of 4 novels now.

Even at 79, she doesn’t look a day over 45.

Donna Joppie - Published  Author/Writer

Donna Joppie, published author and novelist.

After her arrival, we went out to dinner, then after getting back home, I happened to come around the truck to be attacked by a Brown Wasp who latched on and stung me 4 times before my husband could get the thing off my hand. It was holding on like a pro rodeo rider as I was desperately trying to get that thing off of me.

Well, my hand swole up like a football, as expected, being allergic to the things. Hence, why I am not out in the studio making jewelry till this heat goes down outside.

Well, as luck would have it, today I was very lucky and did not get hit again.

I was cleaning the back porch where I spilled some of the sugar water filling Hummingbird Feeders when this “Spawn of Satan” suddenly started flying out from under the porch glider table I sprayed with the water hose. About 20 Brown Wasps, ALL came at me at once. What was even worse, I am wearing a black top with black pants that has neon space designs in neon color on the fabric. Black clothing shows body heat ten times stronger to a Wasp, that they look for to attack. I was a glowing target because it is 102 degrees out, today.

I dropped that water hose and ran in the house to get away from them because I knocked the Wasp spray can behind the table where the active nest was.

After grabbing a new can of Wasp spray, having killed about 10-12 Wasps, I got my extended grabber thing and turned the camera on, on my phone, to see what demise was waiting for me.

I really do hate the heat in Summer which this made a perfect incubation spot that I walk past, every single day, to get to my office.

I sprayed an entire can of Wasp spray, defending myself from the attacks of the other group that flew away from the water hose on the start.

How I did not get stung is just a miracle, to be honest. I was being swarmed.

Well, after soaking the area around the nest, as best I could, I came back out to find the Wasps had left the nest and I was able to get it out with the handle of a fly swatter.

This thing was a huge nightmare just waiting for one of us to sit down on the porch to watch the sun go down.

Phew… it is never dull out in the wilderness.

Debora Nash Designs - Wilderness Journal

“Menopause Brain Fog”