Your hair is your story
Debora Nash of “Debora Nash Designs” highly recommends and uses Kerotin Hair Supplements and Thickening Spray daily for her hair.
From Debora:
“I started using Kerotin Hair products back around the first of 2017. I wanted to see if all the talk of Kerotin hair supplements actually helped to “make the hair grow faster.”
When I started the Kerotin Hair supplements, my hair grew at a rate of 1/2 inch per month. I know this to be a fact as I had stopped coloring on Jan. 1, 2017 and started the Kerotin Hair products on Feb. 28, 2017, measuring my new hair growth with a ruler and it was exactly 1 inch of natural color when I began this grow out journey.
I was coloring with a box of Dark Brown color, and my natural color, which I had not seen in 30 years, is actually Platinum White/Blonde and dark Silver, blended. There is quite a contrast difference.
My hair was already hip-length, having grown out from a shortcut that was at the ears in 2003.
This time around, for a “grow out,” I wanted to go “100% natural.” No more box color, no chemical treatments, and a solid head of virgin hair because I had reached the point that I was coloring with three boxes of “Speciality Color Match” hair colors every three weeks, at a cost of $150 each time.
It was too expensive and just annoying to have to go through that much work just to make the color match after the roots were “glowing white” against the dark brown line of box color. At times, the contrast was as vivid as the stripes on a black and white striped skunk. Even with the natural color, it was white with a dark silver/brown stripe, the very same as “Lily Munster” in the original “Munsters” television show from my childhood, growing up, only in reverse. All white with that dark stripe. I was NOT having it. LOL!
Now, my tolerance for that horrendous brassy orange that box browns fade out to be was even worse, being a natural dark brunette all my life before the box color.
Aging gracefully and suddenly becoming Platinum Blonde/White/Silver and that awful fading Orange, the growing-out struggle was very difficult. It needed to go fast, so I would not give up the natural-colored, virgin hair choice. It took the willpower of a military tank to see it through without resorting to chemicals and damage from “desperation bleaching.”
Hence, Kerotin Hair products have come to my attention.
I gave them a try on Feb. 28, 2017, documenting the new growth starting point, and after this, I took photos with a ruler to document the growth with photos.
My hair grew with increased growth rates, which is literally shown in the photos with the ruler measurements.
After 2 years of documenting the growth, which my hair was to my knees in length, something I had NEVER experienced before in my life, I was fully convinced that Kerotin Hair products work exceptionally well.
Far more than my expectations could imagine.
I stopped taking the products for a few years, and my hair length has remained at hip length since the last of the old box brown was cut off, leaving all virgin hair in its natural color.
Since that time, I have started taking the supplements once more and using the “Extensive Thickening Treatment” spray for the hair around the roots so I can wear my hair up in a messy bun and not have to use any hair spray to keep my new hair growth neat and in place while up. I have not touched hair spray in years, and the thickener spray does beautifully in setting my short, new growth in place for a neat messy bun style with no stiffness or stickiness in humidity. Just spray it on, brush it into the ponytail, and make the messy bun. No flyaways or fuzzy around the ears. As the day wears on, just spritz again and put the hair back into a tighter, messy bun on the fly, if needed. No buildup of any kind.
I cannot say enough about how Kerotin hair products DO work and very well as they advertise.
Below are a couple more of my photos of my hair growth journey, and when the temps outside get a little warmer, we are at 8.5 degrees this morning, I will go out to my office and pull my “Photo Documentary of this Hair Grow Out” for you to see the actual growth rates and quality difference in the hair, start to finish, that I obtained using Kerotin Supplements and the time frames of all the results each month or so that I measured with a ruler and photos.
Today, Jan. 22, 2025, I am still using the Kerotin Hair supplements. I am 60 years old, with long hair to my hips in natural color and no chemical or heat treatments of any kind.
My hair is naturally curly, so my ends are sometimes “fuzzy” due to brushing. Anyone with curly hair can attest that smooth hair is not an option when curly hair is brushed. LOL!
As a long-time user of Kerotin hair products, I highly recommend them, which is why I am sponsoring them on my website and social media.
They really work wonders and live up to their advertisements.
I am thrilled to have them.
Thank you,
Debora Nash
Also, if you would like to try these products, you can get 15% off with my name, “DEBORANASH,” as your coupon code at checkout.
I have since found the long write-up on hair growth rates with Kerotin Hair Supplements that I did with my “Kerotin Hair Supplement Documentation.” I will upload the document so you can see the results that I recorded with the photos, ruler, and dates.
Please note that the photos are not professional and are just basic snaps in a mirror; there is no makeup on some, and the hair is not fixed. I wasn’t doing this to “Model Images,” per se. LOL!
MidPoint Color Change
The drastic color change was a real struggle to come to terms with being SO different..
Color & Length Now
As you can see, I went from Dark Brunette to this Natural White/Silver…
Going completely natural is a real “mind bender” when you are between stages and the acceptance, I will not lie, it is a struggle to “come to terms” with this amount of a change, but SO WORTH IT in the end.
The Messy Bun
I get asked, often, how do I get such a large bun and I tell them how long my hair is and that I use Kerotin Hair Supplements. You can see the results, Kerotin Hair works.
Use this Coupon Code for 15% off “ DEBORANASH “