
Fine Art Prints, Fabrics, Totes and more

Fine Art Prints, Fabrics, Totes and more

In order to keep costs down and give more choices, I have set up a Direct Purchase site with my supplier for direct purchases and shipping from the factory.This will give better rates and more choices in designs, colors and items.DEBORA NASH - Official Website (…
My "Meteor Storm" on my back porch... This is real...

My "Meteor Storm" on my back porch... This is real...

My son and I were told there would be a meteor shower one night, back around the late 90's to early 2000's, but I do not remember the date because it was before I ever had digital camera equipment.We were out at 2 a.m. on our back porch shooting my 35mm camera of the meteor shower and I had my camera set to "Bulb" mode which holds the shutter open for the times you want really long exposures.I was…

New things on the way!!

Starting a brand-new chapter in our world...Since we began the change over to the new website and business name, we are taking things to a new level on creating fine art jewelry designs and leather designs.For the past year, we have been collecting a rare selection of very unique and historic steel dies that are from a time frame of 1865, the last time they ever saw the light of day.We will be cre…
Debora Nash Designs Jewelry - Black Bridge Variscite Cabochons will be available as soon as they are cut

Debora Nash Designs Jewelry - Black Bridge Variscite Cabochons will be available as soon as they are cut

Nothing says beautiful more than the beauty of extraordinary colors of Black Bridge Variscite with their rich greens and black matrix in jewelry.We will be receiving the second shipment of these very stones soon and will be in the Debora Nash Designs Studio and Workshop cutting, shaping and polishing these gorgeous stones for some very fine Cabochons and Jewelry.Each of these stones have a story t…
The love of Copper designs at Debora Nash Designs

The love of Copper designs at Debora Nash Designs

Copper is a very unique natural element that comes from the earth and has so many different uses and applications for decor and for just about everything under the sun for mechanical and electrical purposes.The natural color of copper is unique in itself as well as other natural metals are not as "warm and inviting" as the color of copper.Natural Gold is a warm color, but it is just something abou…
Life in the Wilderness at Debora Nash Designs

Life in the Wilderness at Debora Nash Designs

Debora Nash Designs is more than just fashion design and home decor.It is about life and nature in it's true color and forms.  As a fine arts Artist for nearly 40 years now, Debora Nash has found more than just the beauty in designing and creating art into the colors and designs that you find here at Debora Nash Designs.Not only is Debora Nash Designs about making you the work…