Breaking Ground

Well, today makes the new build official… “Ground breaking begins.”

This has been a very long time coming.

This is a view of the new shop and house designs… and then once this is done, we will be building a large garden and getting the farming side of things going to also make available, “Farm Grandma’s Lil’ Market” where fresh vegetables, farm eggs and even some “special designs” will be available, in person, on site, to view, try on and see up close to purchase on the spot with no waiting.

The white house you saw across the road is well over 100 years old, registered with the Historic Society. No one lives there, except for a really big Ground Hog. We see him/her coming in and out quite often from under the house.

Outside of the ground hog, we only have 1 neighbor across the road and up the hill from us. Very nice couple and their goats and sheep come to visit us often. LOL!

To date, I have confirmed sightings of American Bald Eagles, large Hawks and even on occasion, some Pelicans and Sea Gulls flying over head. We are not far from the favorite local Marina, so I am convinced I will soon discover more wildlife to photograph and film.

I have also confirmed that Hummingbirds are waiting my arrival there, as well.

I will be documenting the building of a brand new “Eco Location” once I get there to stay. It will be an interesting adventure.

Anyway, those are the planned intentions for now… we have to get the builds finished to get started… and from there… new and exciting things to come.

Things are finally moving forward… Stay tuned for more updates…


Talk of the Town


Morning with a cup of Coffee