Morning with a cup of Coffee

I have been offline for a bit, doing taxes and starting to pack everything up here since the new house is now in the starting phase of being built at our new farm...

Lots going on and in every direction in 2 states, at the very same time.

It gets overwhelming at times.

This last, unexpected, flash flood a couple of weeks ago in TN/KY filled our creek up with rock, again, at our old farm we are selling. We have no idea where all the rocks are coming from, but it is a "Free Driveway" and "Road Cover" when it happens, so that is getting fixed today.

Just amazing how much gravel comes through that creek and it is a DRY creek, 90% of the year.

Very heavy, freak river rain storms, plus our not being there through the year to keep debris, (tree limbs, peoples old tires from a mile up the valley) out of the creek bed during the year, debris builds up and blocks the flow at our bridge and washes the bridge rock and driveway rock out. Otherwise, during the slow rain months, all the water runs deep under ground and comes up at the neighbors drive going out, as a small trickle creek flow, and our creek is bone dry the rest of the year.

A really big limestone shelf system under our creek there, with an underground path in Limestone... possibly even a cave system there.

So, that is happening today, and we just got the plans in hand for the new house and shop to start construction at the new farm, I am doing taxes, plus, packing and getting ready for the new location...

I am running in high "Multi-task Mode" this morning... and these photos and story are over my coffee this morning, while shooting out the Living room window at day break.

Mind you, this time, I did give Joe a heads up that I was fixing to be shooting out the windows so he would not hurt himself to the sounds of a rifle firing before he woke up, like has happened before... LOL!

No stubbed toe screams with this story this morning... LOL!

I always say, "It is NEVER dull in the wilderness."

Sitting at the table, drinking my coffee, I was shopping for supplements and just scrolling through things with boredom, as usual in the mornings...

Out of the corner of my eye, I catch a glimpse of what I thought was a deer...

I got up, looked and did not see anything until I spotted a deer head swimming across the middle of the pond, so I went to my camera to see why the deer was swimming and that was when I spotted it...

A HUGE Coyote was hot on that Bucks tail... I fired off some shots with the camera, then ran to get my rifle in the other room and told Joe I was fixing to start shooting. He asked me why and I said, "Coyote" and ran back to the windows with the rifle.

The Coyote spotted my movement in the window but didn't fear me, so it stayed focused on the Buck on the other bank.

I dropped the window slowly while standing over boxes on the floor waiting to be packed. My grip was difficult because the boxes were there, so I fired the shot, slipping a little in my grip. The shot hit the rump of the Coyote and sent it in a hard run out of here.

Then I went back to my camera and saw that the Buck had been run by that Coyote for so long that it was absolutely exhausted. It just stood there, looking back at me for about 30-45 minutes after I got the Coyote off of him.

Once the Buck got his wind and wits back about him, he walked off to the pasture in the opposite direction where all the 20+ Does and Bucks were herding at the lodge on the other side of the farm, here.

These are the photos as a "Short Video" from my camera and iPad that I got while all of this was going on this morning, before and after I shot the Coyote, which ran off with a new hole in its backside.

We cannot have Coyotes making kills here. If they did, it would become a "Hunting territory" for them. This would not be good for the other wildlife that thrives here or the people with kids and small dogs who fish out here.

Then, after all of this, the sun came up, and I went back to finish my cup of coffee, order supplements, and read the news.

Just a normal day out in the wilderness... LOL!

I never stay bored for long out here in the woods... LMAO!!!


Breaking Ground


A brand new start… begins